Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Background Check

I wanted to take a moment to explain my blog title, Little Girl, Big Hair.  It's pretty self explanatory, but not all of us can be geniuses like me.  I could sum it up in one sentence and a picture.  But where is the fun in that?!  Let me tell you a bit about myself.

Hi!  I'm Whitney Lynn.  I'm 22 years old and I live in Texas.  And this is me.

As you can see, my hair is a tad big.  It's like that naturally.  I disliked it for a long time, but I've come to love it...most days.  Not when it's windy and my hair gets stuck in my lipgloss, but no girl likes that.  I might try boycotting wind one day.  But now that I think about it, that's a horrible idea.  How the heck would I be able to fly my kite?!

Now a little bit more about me since I have your attention...I DO HAVE YOUR ATTENTION RIGHT?!  Good.  Like I said, I'm little.  I'm actually average to be honest.  I'm barely 5'5".  But compared to my hair, I call myself little.  I'm the only daughter so I've always been the "little girl" and it's just stuck.

I currently live in Texas and I just graduated college with a BBA in Marketing.  I work as a part-time manager at a store [SO VAGUE YOU PROBABLY THINK THIS BLOG IS ABOUT YOU YOU'RE SO VAGUE...YOU PROBABLY THINK THIS BLOG IS ABOUT YOU DON'T YOU DON'T YOU...oh excuse me, I broke out into song just now...] and will actually be moving to Los Angeles, California to live with my brother at the end of January!  So lots of exciting changes in my life!

Basically, I've never called myself an artist.  I can't draw realisitcally for the life of me.  Nor can I spell the word realistically, oh wait, I spelled it correctly that time.  I'll leave the first one uncorrected to show how I spelled it the first time.  SILLY WHITNEY!  That's what I get for blogging at 12.34 am.  But I've ALWAYS doodled.  Everywhere.  Give me a pen and paper and talk about something boring and I'll start doodling.  I taught myself some HTML and basic coding and graphic design in about 8th grade and have kept up with it off and on.  Mainly off.  Sometimes on.  Either way, I enjoy doodling and I also share my doodles in paintings and cards.  So, that's enough of that.

I started this blog because I love telling stories.  I take very boring and unimportant things that happen to me and exaggerate them to make them semi-interesting, BUT THEN...I doodle a picture and VIOLA IT'S LIKE THE BEST THING YOU'VE EVER READ RIGHT!?  No...oh well, we'll get there...clap if you believe!!  I CAN'T HEAR YOU CLAPPING!  Much better :]

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